He recognized that the problem of interpreting such material correctly was monu-mental.
As a performer during the latter half of the 90's, she interpreted material that was rarely as interesting as her quirky style.
It is not difficult to interpret archaeological material to fit into a preconceived pattern if one has the determination and mental agility.
In both of these areas the investigator has carried out research previously, and consequently interpreting newly available material is not so difficult.
These can be very useful in understanding and interpreting whatever material you find relating to you ancestor.
Discovery episodes chronicled their efforts to build the trike, visits to Epic and them interpreting various merchandising and promotional material into the bike.
"I am not someone for interpreting legal texts and dry material," he told me.
The problem with that outlook, she said, is that "you can't help but go in and look at material and interpret material in a certain way."
I think you can have more freedom that way and be more imaginative - interpret material in different ways.
A medical illustrator is a professional artist who interprets and creates visual material to help record and disseminate medical, biological and related knowledge.