This is the final step in the interpretative process.
It is an interpretative process in which new, full-blown music is created.
The technique has since become a cliche for those who want to give over some measure of control to the photographed in the interpretative process.
Mixing was an interpretative process, where the artist was usually involved, but the development was generally looked after the record producer.
Legal rules are mediated by the intervening interpretative processes informing the actions of enforcement agents which give substance to the vague aspirations of statute.
The 'pollutions' produced as a result of these interpretative processes form the basis for any response by the enforcement agency.
Higher education is, if nothing else, analytic; it involves the inspection of assumptions, the questioning of conclusions, the detailed dissection of logical, empirical and interpretative processes.
The third premise is that these meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretative process used by the person in dealing with the things he encounters.
Artists should seek to reproduce primal visual sensations, not the mental interpretative processes which give rise to abstract ideas.
"These meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretative process used by the person in dealing with the things he/she encounters."