He said Federal regulations could be interpreted to make a distinction for a single trustee managing funds for several charities or community service programs.
At the same time, his retirement from the school's presidency might be interpreted as an attempt to make sure his succession proceeds smoothly.
It must be interpreted to make sense; it must be decoded.
Both States had indicated their willingness to allow suits to be heard, so the reciprocity requirements should be interpreted to make this possible.
The lyrics have been interpreted by music critics to not make sense.
Its prohibition of the cartel was also interpreted to make illegal many labor union activities.
The subtle changes in current are interpreted by a computer to make a contour map of the hills and valleys of the atomic terrain.
The statute, however, had been interpreted by the New York courts to make the truth of the publication a defense.
A play must always be interpreted by an individual in order for it to make it to the stage.
It is sometimes interpreted as a limitation on observers and their ability to make measurements.