When Henry James shows us the world through such a character, the reader is rewarded with an extraordinarily subtle interpretive challenge.
The Emerson deftly met the daunting interpretive challenges these works make in matters ranging from timbral variety to shifting passions.
They also posed an interpretive challenge.
Once again, the figures posed interpretive challenges because of revisions, new seasonal adjustment factors and downright weird numbers in addition to the disruptions of winter weather.
The music sounds randomly episodic, and you've sidestepped instead of solved the interpretive challenge posed by the composer: What is the nature of this experience?
Imposing coherence on Schumann's music without sacrificing the overwrought quality that makes it so emotionally compelling is the principal interpretive challenge here.
Beethoven's "Kreutzer" Sonata, the program's major interpretive challenge, suffered as a result.
The inflation gauges related to G.D.P. also posed an interpretive challenge.
Mr. Stoltzman relishes interpretive challenges, especially when working one-to-one with a composer.
Act I's every interpretive challenge was met by a hurtling, flattening enthusiasm from Peter Mark's orchestra and chorus.