"Designing Democracy" is a welcome change from the many books on constitutional law that sink under the weight of hermetic debates about interpretive methods.
Science and history, it turns out, are both interpretive methods of getting at truth.
And Deconstruction was, of course, Derrida's much-vaunted interpretive method of making sense out of non-sense (or vice versa).
Freud's psychoanalytic theory was largely based on interpretive methods, introspection and clinical observations.
He also believes there is no central or primary foundational interpretive method for interpreting the law.
Deconstruction, the reigning interpretive method in the 1970's, was a continuation by new means of the old struggle to isolate literature from any social context.
After illustrating the methods e.g. positivist, interpretive, critical, transformational, radical and class-based, Morgan explores their similarities, differences and contradictory nature.
Unpublished Recordings They also contain many precise indications of Toscanini's interpretive methods, especially in phrasing and articulation for the strings.
Therefore, Hillman is against the 20th century traditional interpretive methods of dream analysis.
Geertz's interpretive method involved what he called "thick description."