He was well known for his interpretive skills, powerful sermons and involvement with the State Government.
The controversy has to do with his interpretive skills, or depth, or vision.
Officials cautioned against comparing this year's results with last year's, saying the new test places more emphasis on interpretive skills.
Over the next few years, several more radiologists were fired or resigned in the face of concerns about their interpretive skill.
His interpretive skill was marked by speed, accuracy, and enthusiasm.
Reading encyclicals and other papal statements often requires interpretive skills to determine just exactly what is said.
But they must bring interpretive acting skills with them, skills that serve the play.
"There's a variability in interpretive skills, but if there's a question, patients should always get a second opinion."
The rest are particularly fine players, both black and white, with the interpretive and improvisational skills Marsalis wants.
This interpretive skill was perhaps the ability for which they were selected.