The notion of a "unique effect" is appealing when studying a complex system where multiple interrelated components influence the response variable.
The COSO internal control framework consists of five interrelated components derived from the way management runs a business.
Business Service Visualization (BSV) provides a way to view the interrelated components that combine to deliver a business service.
In The Uses of Argument (1958), Toulmin proposed a layout containing six interrelated components for analyzing arguments:
Also, keeping track of the planet's interrelated components can slow performance.
In essence, a system constitutes a set of interrelated components working together with a common objective: fulfilling some designated need.
The answer to this has two interrelated components.
The diagram contained six interrelated components used for analyzing arguments, and was considered Toulmin's most influential work, particularly in the field of rhetoric, communication, and computer science.
EPA supports this new approach to solid waste management because it encompasses three interrelated components that are key to successful community programs:
The size of the particle and many other interrelated components of a lubricant make it difficult to make blanket statements about whether PTFE is useful or harmful.