This song has two interrelated themes.
The final element consists of four interrelated themes that identify the environmental relationships between northern and southern Canada.
The narratives and rituals that carry important cultural information about Babalú-Ayé include various recurring and interrelated themes.
Lakshmi is linked with three important and interrelated themes: prosperity and wealth, fertility and crops, and good luck during the coming year.
He decided to institute a course called Society, Values and Technology to explore several interrelated themes.
Digital history is studied from various disciplinary perspectives and in relation to a range of interrelated themes and activities.
"Slavery, of necessity, rested on force," Berlin writes in his prologue, and he weaves together the critical, interrelated themes of "violence, power and labor."
By the early 21st century three interrelated themes had emerged.
Clark's work explores a number of disparate but interrelated themes.
I should like to make a number of recommendations in connection with both interrelated themes.