The conclusions may surprise defenders of harsh interrogation tactics.
HOW did American interrogation tactics after 9/11 come to include abuse rising to the level of torture?
Coercive interrogation tactics were known in period slang as the "third degree".
Now the justices are considering interrogation tactics that sneak around it.
Gestapo torture and similar interrogation tactics were carried out in the basement of this building.
During their imprisonment, the organization subjected them to abusive interrogation tactics, including torture and assault.
People who served there described a range of interrogation tactics, including interrogators' breaking tables as a show of force.
This relationship is integral when conducting a cognitive interview as interrogation tactics often found in standard police interviews are not used.
The Doctor is the first to be found, but evades their interrogation tactics.
Administration lawyers have warned that the provision could lead to war crimes charges against American troops who use overly harsh interrogation tactics.