The wedding celebrations are interrupted by an attack from Lyncaeus' forces during which Castor is killed.
Pug had been startled during their interview when the Prince's remarks were interrupted by a violent attack of coughing.
It is interrupted by an attack of a giant, mobile plant that kills one man and nearly kills another.
They shared their meal with Hulk until it was interrupted by an attack from Ares.
It was interrupted by an attack by an unseen third party.
Adam promises Blake that he'll end the relationship after the wedding, which is interrupted by a terrorist attack.
The ratification came after three days of raucous deliberation, interrupted by a terrorist attack last Friday and resumed this morning.
This is interrupted by an attack on the ship by Jem'Hadar fighters.
He's interrupted by a new attack and gets ready to once again face his enemies.
Their search was interrupted by a mortar attack from the mosque near the Shrine of Abbas.