Had an ordinary plane been used, its swift flight would have required more circling and interrupted study of the scene.
In 1919 he was able to continue his interrupted studies in Berlin under Hans Perathoner and Willy Jäckel.
These drinkers create "secondhand binge" effects for fellow students, including physical assaults, unwanted sexual advances and interrupted study.
"See to it, Mergon," Tammon said, and resumed his interrupted studies.
Though street unrest, demonstrations and other crises have led to year after year of interrupted studies, he seemed utterly uninterested in politics.
After an interrupted study on the Academy of Art, he worked as a free-lance painter, illustrator and cabaret entertainer.
In 1946 the university student council met to consider possible blueprints for a new building, including a large auditorium, during a time when veterans were returning to complete their interrupted studies.
At the age of sixteen he resumed his interrupted studies at the Jesuit college of Feldkirch.
In 1920 he moved to Yugoslavia where he resumed his interrupted studies and graduated from Belgrade University.
After the war he continued his interrupted studies in Göttingen and Freiburg i. Br.