Then, from an intersecting passage just beyond the goblins, came another shout and the kobolds rushed into sight again.
Arriving at an intersecting passage to the left, Richard turned and ran down it a short distance to where they encountered an iron stairwell.
The second aisle proved darker than the first, although the intersecting passage at the end was brightened by unseen windows in the west wall, which faced the house.
Except for one abortive attack from an intersecting passage, though, the Koorn rebels didn't try to stop them.
Now and then my touch would reveal a doorless intersecting passage, and I several times encountered junctions with two, three, and four diverging avenues.
Down the corridor, along an intersecting passage, they soon came to a heavy door like the door of a cell.
Down a corridor, then along an intersecting passage, Master Quillon brought her to a door small and heavy enough to be the door of a cell.
Before I arrived, the van had turned left and vanished into an intersecting passage.
Cyrus glanced down the intersecting passage and saw a winking red light.
He sent five dwarves rushing out to the right flank, around the darkness globe and into the beginning of the intersecting passage.