This form of gait training has been shown to improve long-term walking speed and a shuffling gait following a one-month intervention period.
Performance was compared between a baseline 9-month period and an intervention 9-month period as well as against a different 'sister' unit.
The participants all wore well-fitting, custom-made compression garments that were replaced 6 months into the intervention period.
Official records of police activities during the intervention period reveal the following in the target areas:
Subjects attended daily 15-minute school sessions during the 4-month intervention period.
Also, improvement was noted in nail roughness, ridging, flaking, splitting, and overall appearance at the end of the intervention period.
This policy had an intervention period from April, 2007 to May, 2008.
The intervention period has been too short All children learn at different rates.
I welcome the Commission's proposal to continue to subsidise the market and to extend the intervention period up to 28 February 2010.
The intervention period for milk powder and butter is to be extended and export refunds are to be increased.