The recommendations will evolve as results from ongoing behavioral intervention trials become available.
Barry described two intervention trials among older adults in primary care.
Investigators should consider the following when planning an intervention trial or a clinical trial:
Increasing evidence from human intervention trials suggests that they are the most promising biomarker of whole grain wheat and rye intake.
Community trials and other population-based intervention trials also are included.
Phytosterols including β-sitosterol are found to be highly effective in lowering the blood cholesterol level under randomized controlled intervention trials.
In the intervention trial, treatment occurred at a time when small, encapsulated adenomas are forming (week 10 for Rip1-Tag2 mice).
While this was not an intervention trial, an association did emerge between the ubiquinol/lipids ratio and the extent of stenosis.
But the hopes of those who designed the intervention trials, and particularly the hope that they could produce unambiguous results, were simply too naive.
Her group is presently focusing on intervention trials to see if modification of certain risk factors results in improvements.