Morgan Waters goes on the road, across the country, interviewing children, ordinary people, and sometimes celebrities as well.
At his wife's urging, the young psychiatrist put aside plans for a private practice and began interviewing other children involved in school integration.
Sometimes, the judge would interview minor children involved in cases where child custody was an issue.
But when she interviewed children that age, she realized there was a great deal she could address.
Asia Watch interviewed children aged 11, 13 and 14 who had been made to act as military porters.
Interested in the site's history, they interviewed former students and children of former superintendents.
For the last six years she has been interviewing parents and children about bedtime and recording them.
"Interviewing young children who have been repeatedly traumatized is always going to be difficult," he added.
Imam said the mosque would hire counselors to interview children and parents to check for other possible victims.
Second, police officers or social workers who interview children for legal purposes should be well trained and up to date in their knowledge.