She is'nt rude or obnoxious from the interview clip, so what would make so called adults attack an 11 year old with such vigor?
The album as a whole is $16.99, or one can download each individual song, but not the interview clips, for $0.99 each.
The DVD includes live performances, interview clips, and backstage footage.
A 90-minute documentary on Sills's singing career with many rare video performance and interview clips.
In one interview clip, he says that they were raised in a supportive environment, adding that he himself didn't even drink.
The film is a juxtaposing of a series of interview clips of women from different backgrounds.
The week's topic was introduced with a few opening thoughts before launching into various interview clips.
The movie intersperses interview clips of his family with his high-octane stand-up act.
This CD featured live tracks as well as interview clips.
Subtitles are available for behind the scenes and interview clips.