He also tries to gain clients while they are interviewing doctors in a case.
Its investigators spend their days and nights in neighborhoods knocking on doors and interviewing children, family members, neighbors, doctors and school teachers.
An agency official said its investigators had recently interviewed doctors and druggists about their dealings with Purdue.
It could even send sleepless writers to interview those scientists and doctors.
Dr. Barondess said the panel would interview workers, patients, doctors and administrators and hoped to issue a final report in six to eight months.
Mitchell would not say how successful investigators had been in trying to interview team trainers, doctors and general managers.
He also interviewed gravediggers and doctors who were overwhelmed by the number of civilian casualties, so the Lebanese figures seemed reasonable to him.
Drug makers pay for the Webcasts, which feature the journalists interviewing doctors and patients about their products.
Then I interviewed doctors and patients and found out that surgery can do just that.
The state health department immediately began examining records and interviewing doctors, nurses and others involved in Harry's case.