This interview was, unknown to Scappaticci, recorded and eventually found its way into an edition of the programme.
But interviews in many villages found that such preachings were ignored.
In addition, interviews with 267 workers found that while 80 percent liked the entertainment offerings, such as theaters and movie houses, less than half used them.
But an examination of the bank documents and the interviews with lawyers and others found that the relationship went much deeper.
But random interviews with more than 40 black and Hispanic residents found a deep distrust and fear of police officers.
And interviews with a handful of drivers yesterday afternoon found much confusion about the protests.
Test calls and interviews with company principals found that they offer some reasonable advice, but little that is objective.
Here and there around the country, the interviews did find some support and understanding for President Clinton's position.
But interviews with 14 customers outside the Colma store last week found conflicting opinions.
These interviews will find an audience, and there will be more such to come.