Craig said that SACS will be happy to conduct workshops on stress, interviewing skills, performance appraisal and other subjects which we feel are needed.
Cook adopts a non-judgmental stance when interviewing subjects who clearly believe in UFOs, alien contact, conspiracy theories, and other unusual phenomena.
In interviewing amiable subjects like the Uranians or hard-core members of the Christian Identity movement, he keeps his distance.
Bowen did all her own research, without hiring research assistants, and sometimes took the controversial step of interviewing subjects without taking notes.
White participants interviewed black and white subjects who, prior to the experiments, had been trained to act in a standardized manner.
She and the Legacy project staff are in regular contact, passing along information on referrals, interviewing techniques and nuts-and-bolts subjects, like good transcribers.
Hartley then spent an additional five years interviewing subjects and editing the combined 250 hours of interviews and original stock footage into a 100-minute film.
Mr. Wagenheim said that within two or three years of interviewing subjects for his book, they were all dead.
He had even interviewed subjects who had undergone similar procedures in Gilgamesh's experimental labs.