Former workers at the Texas plant interviewed by the New York Times said that the facility was "disgusting".
Other participants interviewed by The New York Times said they had played more recently, in one instance just 18 months ago.
Wonder also commented when he was interviewed by The New York Times that "the accident opened my ears up to many things around me.
Regenhard, who was interviewed by the New York Times claims that the construction of the center would be "sacrilege on sacred ground."
He was interviewed by National Geographic, The New York Times, and other media.
He was also interviewed by The New York Times.
But election law experts interviewed by The New York Times yesterday were split on whether that satisfied legal requirements.
Interviewed by The New York Times a day after his return, the artist was still overwhelmed by the emotion of that moment.
But some of the guests at the Hyatt have been interviewed by The New York Times over the last week.
Several of their teachers were interviewed by the New York Times about their experiences in Georgia.