He has been interviewed twice by the District of Columbia police, who have said he is not a suspect.
Gilbert was interviewed twice about his inspiration for The Mikado.
In one case, a man was interviewed twice weekly for an hour, over a period of eight months, until only a few months before his death.
Chief Harper was interviewed twice by federal agents concerning both the credit union accounts and contract awards case.
Visitors were still interviewed twice about their intended business before they could gain entry.
The Shadow had twice interviewed one man, but in different characters, thanks to his mastery of disguise.
He has been interviewed twice by the police investigating the case.
Government experts said yesterday that he had also been interviewed twice by American intelligence officials, who were trying to verify his claims.
More is known about her than any other of Washington's slaves because in the mid-1840s, she was twice interviewed by abolitionist newspapers.
Most of the staff were interviewed twice or more.