And written messages are also the basis for her lacy images, in which words are strung together to form interwoven patterns.
Particularly attractive are the pots onto which long strips of clay have been added in an interwoven pattern giving the effect of Elizabethan baskets.
Here in the front was the large fountain with at least fifty jets of water making a beautiful interwoven pattern.
It is in the Romanesque style with interwoven patterns and vined acanthus ornamentation.
The result, when polished, was a beautiful interwoven pattern on the surface of the blade (fig. 5.13).
The shaft of the cross is decorated with an interwoven pattern.
He turned, looking at the great upright of the arch, then let his fingers trace the complex interwoven patterns in the stone.
The entire interwoven pattern constituted an essentially static unity, whose focus was found in the spiritual authority of Rome.
Into the entire figure ran numerous tiny rivulets of angry crimson and orange light, angling in interwoven patterns with never a curve nor arching.
The interwoven patterns of color and movement carried Kirk into a universe where all things flowed from the Kh@fflict totality.