At the trial, the most intimate aspects of their gynecological history were revealed.
How strange it is that some intimate aspects of those we know so well remain a firmly closed book.
"We talk about healthy families and strong communities and say that in the most intimate aspects of our lives the government ought to butt out."
She began to consider how so much of the intimate aspects of daily life had become formal and professionalized.
"In doing so," he said, "she surrendered one of the most private and intimate aspects of her personal liberty."
As a psychiatrist, I have been entrusted by my patients with intimate aspects of their lives.
As Isthia served them coffee, she wondered how her mother and father handled that intimate aspect of their life together.
Share the most intimate aspects of his sexual fantasies with this grotesque mutant?
Why didn't he deal with this more intimate aspect of figuration?
The work demanded long hours and allowed me into the most intimate aspects of patients' lives.