"This is a private and intimate communication," he said in a low voice, which shook with shame and outrage.
"It's a useful tool to open up more intimate communication."
I cursed myself for forgetting the horse's name, as this would have been a good time for intimate communication.
Computer technology and advanced telecommunications equipment have drawn precious business information and intimate personal communications out into the open.
In a world so thoroughly given over to robots some sort of intimate communication among them would be necessary if the system were not to break down.
Outside intervention just interfered with the intimate communication between artwork and art lover.
During the early decades of the sixteenth century she was considered saintly and believed to be in constant and intimate communication with God.
Shem dropped to his knees by Higgaion, bending down toward him in intimate communication, speaking softly.
These may include relaxation techniques, intimate communication, teaching social skills, and some sexual touching.