He peered into her face with that searching, intimate glance.
The bride and groom exchanged brief, intimate glances.
A charming vivacity, a clever wit, an intimate glance, a beguiling smile, can compensate for a multitude of physical shortfalls.
Jennsen saw the looks that passed between them, the kind of intimate glances between two people who were close.
Mary shared an intimate glance with Virginia and Virginia knew she was thinking about the baby.
Whenever Kahlan saw them together, the shared intimate glances, the chance furtive touch reminded her of the way she and Richard felt about each other.
Olivia would preen, and she would be obliged to watch them together--exchanging intimate glances, speaking to each other in that arcane code of lovers, making plans under the pretense of bland conversation to meet each other later.
As if she regretted that all too intimate glance, she gave him a half-playful push toward the door.
His large, dark eyes met hers in an intimate glance.
Throughout the service the Prince and Miss Middleton shared several loving smiles and intimate glances.