My father, appreciating his employer's position, volunteered immediately to take the General, and thus was obliged to suffer intimate proximity for four days with the man he detested.
Each carriage is a microcosm of Jerusalem's population, rarely seen in such intimate proximity to each other.
On the third planet they live in intimate proximity to the other five sentient species.
In his lively enthusiasm, he came forward to stand in almost intimate proximity to King Casmir, and there thrust his head forward.
She would never manage to maintain a safe distance from Niall if they were to continue in such intimate proximity.
The endocardial tubes have an intimate proximity to the foregut or pharyngeal endoderm.
During the many days prior to the night of the child's conception, Zyanya had been in intimate proximity to the monstrous Lady Pair!
No gift recipient who has grown up in intimate proximity to brothers and sisters will fail to be charmed, provoked, and disturbed by this slender volume.
And at that intimate proximity, viewers' compassion quickly hardens into impatience and despair.
But living in the most intimate proximity to his downward spiral, I believed that there was never an alternative.