Although the courtroom was crowded and the setting highly formal, there was an almost intimate quality to the exchange.
The intimate quality of the recording and virtuosic playing allows listeners to experience a page from the artist's diary circa 1968.
Grecco's work has gained attention for its intimate quality and ability to capture the emotion as well as the appearance of his subjects.
His striking images have an unimposing, intimate quality.
Rather, the narrator's voiceover is designed to take over this role while conveying a more intimate, personal quality to the story.
Poetry month and the posting of short poems on subway cars may violate some notion of the form's intimate quality.
He was careful never to let an intimate quality intrude into their exchanges when she was in the outer office.
Without the squawk box his voice had an instantly intimate quality.
And they share an intimate quality, as if each was used to illuminate just a corner of a cavernous room.
This story has an intimate quality, yet balanced (paradoxically?)