With around 80 eclectic and mostly small objects, all from eastern India, the show carries a wonderful, intimate sense of Indian life.
O'Hehir's considered the film to express a more "personal, intimate sense of moral hazard".
The anecdotes are personal and give an unusually intimate sense of the life style of a Broadway hoofer.
That she and a man who was a complete stranger had been lovers in the most intimate and passionate sense of the word.
He has, in an intimate sense, secured not only his scene, but also, either actually or potentially, his characters.
It gave me an intimate sense of being a member of some mystic brotherhood.
Of course, Mr Garvin was not an escort in the same intimate sense as the other gentlemen.
---- In the most intimate sense, society is divided into two peoples, the women and the men.
All without losing its intimate sense of place and spiritual renewal.
Every book is, in an intimate sense, a circular letter to the friends of him who writes it.