After May 1943, as a labour shortage developed within the nation, men were shifted into agriculture, education and industry.
The town not only has textile business but also into agriculture.
Land that is not being put into agriculture would be used for conserving biodiversity (Green, et al. 2005).
Majority of the people in Kutukuluru are into either agriculture or business.
"Not too many young people want to go into agriculture around here," he said.
Without the right to buy and sell land, many investors are reluctant to pour their money into Russian agriculture.
In 1981 alone, 33 billion American dollars (by contemporary exchange rate) was invested into agriculture.
After introducing market forces and private enterprise into agriculture, China has slowed its economic reforms.
Out of this 5 billion goes back into agriculture, 4 billion to regional politics.
That is what we call integrating the environment into agriculture.