When they debarked into customs amid the sparse crowd from the liner.
They have to take into account religious holidays, Federal holidays, contracts with teachers, family vacations and local customs.
She wanted to take the time to find her way and not be pushed into customs she was not familiar with.
To outsiders hearing an ethnic group's stories, it provides an insight into the community's beliefs, views, and customs.
McDermott conducted extensive research into the cultures and customs of the story's origins.
But we gained a much richer insight into Ligillian technology, art, and religious customs.
Of 5,500 former rebels, 2,000 have been incorporated into the military, the police, customs and other branches of government.
"Primarily these documents give us insights into Jewish life and customs."
She was a close friend of Gerald de Gaury, who gave her insights into middle eastern customs and culture.
This gives an insight into funeral customs and burial rites, focusing on Vienna.