When we go through this wall, we could be going into a different atmosphere and pressure.
"I didn't think anybody on this commission was going to cave into pressure from anywhere," he said.
But he adds that a parent's investment often also translates into pressure on the child.
The lower combustion temperature also makes the conversion of heat into pressure more efficient.
Never, ever assume anything you post or send will remain private, and don't give into pressure to do something you're not comfortable doing, says the report.
Such public pressure, sustained by the media, became translated into political pressure in many countries.
This translates into tremendous pressure on the central district's social, economic and environmental systems in the near years.
There'll be pressure from the media, which translates into pressure on the department.
The weight of my ankles pulled me steadily down into cold, unbearable pressure.
High oil costs have not translated into upward pressure on wages and prices.