It will be left vacant and minimally heated after faculty have moved into the new addition in August 2007.
Among the changes will be a 70- by 15-foot courtyard cut into the narrow three-story structure and the addition of two floors.
The renovations, which included the conversion of one room into a bedroom and the addition of a shower and fireplace, cost approximately $7,346.
Upon entry into the addition one will see a large painting of the exile of the Acadians from Nova Scotia (Canada) in 1755.
The supermarket moved into the new addition, with the existing structure being made into a Skaggs Drug Store.
Later this year, the society plans to move its entire collection of materials, furniture and implements into the new addition to the county's Records Center in Elmsford.
Unfortunately, no upscale stores ever moved into the new addition, except for an Applebee's which moved from another section of the mall.
The high school moved into the new addition and the junior high moved into the old high school(J-wing).
He reached the doorway that opened into the geodesic addition to the house and looked inside.
That used to be the hospital's old X-ray wing, before we moved it into the new addition.