They said the proposal would place "intolerable burdens" on the defense.
The weight of hope returning was an almost intolerable burden, like walking on a broken bone.
That being the first reason, the second reason is because it would put an intolerable burden of security on us.
More than anything else, that intolerable burden must be driving him to seek out the Four, even if he would not admit it.
It all helped to reduce the intolerable burden of reality.
With little to do, time became an intolerable burden to them.
Most often this becomes impossible and is an unfair, intolerable burden.
But for all her intolerable burdens, she was still thinking clearly.
She was then able to display the ensuing reports to the President as evidence that his chief of staff had become an intolerable burden.
This pattern entails an intolerable burden, especially for families with children.