His ears were growing sensitive to a preternatural and intolerable degree, and he had long ago stopped the cheap mantel clock whose ticking had come to seem like a thunder of artillery.
This intensified his discomfort to an almost intolerable degree.
Academy officials object to the law on the ground that it would give the Government what they call an intolerable degree of control over the Academy's committees.
The upshot is that living in an Earth culture provides the Solomons with an almost intolerable degree of emotional stimulation and conflict, which they are very ill-equipped to handle.
After race riots in six American cities between 1965 and 1967, a Presidential commission found that the redlining of businesses and homes in poor neighborhoods by private insurers grew by an "intolerable degree."
If problems did develop to an intolerable degree for some reason, the option to pull the plug would always be there as a last resort.
They were keyed up to an almost intolerable degree, waiting in their ranks for the order to move.
In a widely noticed article earlier this year, Mr. Kissinger wrote: "In the existing strategic environment the ABM Treaty constrains the nation's defense to an intolerable degree."
Besides breaking the law they were, by flaunting themselves and pestering passers-by, causing an intolerable degree of embarrassment and giving visitors a deplorable impression of London's immorality.
A large proportion of Europe's 10-12 million Roma have suffered systematic discrimination and are therefore struggling against an intolerable degree of social, cultural and economic exclusion as well as human rights violations.