Once he caught the unmistakable odour of fox, that rare, intoxicating smell of the most illusive quarry.
And her smell... Lord, how he'd missed the sweet, intoxicating smell of a woman.
Friquet and Nanette continued to shout; the cries, the noise of the shot and the intoxicating smell of powder produced their usual maddening effects.
This is a household immersed in a decaying grandeur amid the intoxicating smell of opium.
The feel of her fingers, the intoxicating smell of her hair, as if she had washed it in spring water and long grasses.
But with the intoxicating smell of fries wafting through the air, it's not easy to opt for a more nutritious side dish.
Fire burned in her belly at the intoxicating smell of both Tiklor's and her own blood.
Paul finds that although he likes their intoxicating smell, he can't bring himself to touch them.
An intoxicating smell rose to his nostrils from the digit that had entered her.
Associated with gnomes and salamanders, heat and fire, an intoxicating smell, and live gems.