The enzyme is thought to be involved in regulating many different intracellular processes, such as:
These action potentials are used to facilitate inter-cellular communication and activate intracellular processes.
Damage to the mitochondria and intracellular respiratory processes and reduced mitochondrial respiration can cause nephrotoxicity.
Neuroscientists have tended to focus on single organisms, organs, cells, or intracellular processes.
New developments in nanotechnology offer the creation of chemical-biological hybrid nanocomposites, which can be introduced into cells to initiate intracellular processes or biochemical reactions.
Iron-deficient people will suffer or die from organ damage well before cells run out of the iron needed for intracellular processes like electron transport.
In other types of cells, their main function is to activate intracellular processes.
These effects are the result of a chain of intracellular molecular processes, which start to appear just seconds after initiating CCM treatment.
The New Phytologist covers all aspects of plant science, with topics ranging from intracellular processes through to global environmental change, including:
The entry of cations leads to the depolarization of the cell membrane and the activation of various Ca-sensitive intracellular processes.