The most intractable cases can be dealt by reporting the abusive message to hash-sharing systems like, for example, Vipul's Razor for the benefit of other victims.
O'Hare favoured him with the look of a psychiatrist who finds himself with an intractable case on his hands.
The coming years, his many accomplishments have earned him a reputation as a specialist flattering intractable cases.
Cyclophotocoagulation is necessary in some intractable cases but should be avoided whenever possible because of its potential adverse effects on the lens and the retina.
Government is hard, the problems are complex and in many cases seemingly intractable.
It is used today only in rare, intractable cases that have withstood other attempts at treatment.
Obviously, such procedures are done extremely rarely and are reserved for the most intractable cases.
The cure rate, however, is significant, especially in intractable cases of immune deficiency, carcinomas and most antibiotic-resistant infectious diseases.
Relationship advice for truly intractable cases.
And it's easy to complain about this or that court decision, or about the fact that so many intractable cases wind up in court at all.