DLF has also displayed a knack for solving India's most intractable challenges - whether wrangling a license from the bureaucracy or generating its own electricity when the government supply failed.
But experts say progress has been largely confined to social drinkers susceptible to persuasion and peer pressure, leaving a deeper, more intractable challenge: the alcoholic driver.
But as the Republican nominee for the United States Senate in New Jersey, Mr. Forrester, 49, concedes that he may now be facing his sternest, most intractable challenge yet.
In that capacity, she will be asked to apply her experience as a war correspondent and penchant for derring-do to one of the most intractable challenges in broadcasting: luring younger viewers to the news.
They claim the majority of civilian deaths and injuries, and they have become the most intractable challenge to the United States forces as they seek to turn Baghdad into a safe zone where normal life can be resumed.
The most intractable challenge to Baathist rule has come from Sunni Islamic groups, most notably, the Muslim Brotherhood.
Determined to better respond to the needs of Miami's most intractable challenge, Ruth led the charge to focus all grantmaking against the issue of cultural alienation and the need to help people successfully cross ethnic barriers.
Ahead lie intractable challenges such as climate change, urbanisation; an ageing population.
Susan E. Rice, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, called the junta government's hold over Myanmar, known in the West as Burma, "one of the most intractable challenges for the global community".
Just a couple of years ago, for example, China seemed to face an intractable challenge in its handling of foreign relations: Li Peng's hands.