The compound is therefore expected to be a drug for the treatment of auto-immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, which is regarded as an intractable disease.
The cells offer a powerful new way of treating intractable degenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease and diabetes.
"The Board of Education has gotten tremendous support under this administration," he began, like a doctor at a medical conference winding up to describe an intractable disease.
As the power and abilities of stem cells become apparent, biologists have become increasingly optimistic about the chances for treating otherwise intractable diseases.
Recent research suggests genetic defects in mitochondria may underlie several intractable disease.
Biologists believe embryonic cells hold great promise for restoring damaged tissues, particularly in otherwise intractable diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
The drug agency stands by its initial decision to approve Rezulin, because it was an effective treatment for an intractable disease.
For now, the study offers at least a ray of hope for preventing or delaying some of the most intractable mental diseases facing modern medicine.
Polls show that the public is, two to one, in favor of the research's enormous potential for treating intractable diseases.
But from our perspective the Nobelists, who released a letter, held the higher moral ground in focusing on the great promise of cloning for curing intractable diseases.