Such intractable disputes form a special area in dispute resolution studies.
Filled with wrangling lawyers, exasperated judges and seemingly intractable landlord-tenant disputes, the housing court in Brooklyn is often an unhappy place.
The two neighbors have yet to settle a more intractable dispute over the name of Macedonia, which Greece contends belongs properly to its northern province.
An intractable dispute with the players over a new collective bargaining agreement produced a lockout by National Hockey League owners.
First, peacekeeping operations are becoming more ambitious and complex as the United Nations steps up its efforts to engineer political solutions to intractable disputes.
An intractable dispute over farm subsidies erupted among the Group of Seven leaders, threatening to disrupt the unity of the three-day meeting.
In fact, Nagorno-Karabakh seems to be a symptom of a more intractable dispute, rooted in how these two peoples see themselves and each other.
The two brothers got on well, although they were prone to have intractable disputes.
It addresses two of the most intractable financial disputes that have made it difficult for new entrants to take on established telephone companies.
Americans are not alone in imagining that courts can and should have the last word in the most intractable political disputes.