But no candidate can, it appears, afford to reckon with the seemingly intractable nature of inner-city poverty.
Then suddenly she was gone, leaving me to ponder along the unpredictable and intractable nature of language as a medium of communication.
Another reason for Mr. Bush's focus on foreign affairs is the intractable nature of the principal domestic problem, the budget deficit.
Sometimes he draws back from the wild and intractable nature symbolized by the advancing polar bear.
There were those who sought it because of its intractable and potentially powerful nature.
- but a gesture of defiance toward an intractable nature.
Petitioners also emphasize the severe and intractable nature of the drug problem as justification for the checkpoint program.
The question is, given the intractable nature of this war, how do we proceed from here?
This sensitization contributes to the intractable nature of addiction and relapse.
Because of its intractable nature, cabbage arouses both admiration and revulsion.