Pamphilus searches for Davus seeking to imprison or kill him for putting him in an intractable situation.
The reasons for this seemingly intractable situation are various and complex, but they undoubtedly have something to do with Greece's troubled history.
In the end, Miss Farrell's story offers valuable but not very encouraging insight into the seemingly intractable situation.
Because those actions were not taken we face a much more intractable situation with vastly more difficult options.
To a large degree, the intractable situation here is representative of traditional local politics everywhere, and that is precisely the problem for the advocates of change.
The announcement brought protests from Russia and further complicated the tense and intractable situation in Bosnia, where a tattered four-month cease-fire is about to expire.
This has become an intractable situation.
He defused the seemingly intractable situation, which risked re-escalating the crisis, on November 22, 1962.
This House - Parliament - knows just how difficult and how intractable the situation may seem.
Of course, it was only to be expected that, in view of the intractable situation, the liberation movement would at some point no longer feel bound by the ceasefire.