Seems nearly all the romantic tales I've read were about intrepid heroes persisting despite the doubts of stick-in-the-mud parents, neighbors, or authority figures.
The other item that stayed with him was an old folk tale about an intrepid young hero called Pavel Ivanovich and his quest for a piece of the sun.
-By Crom, how many intrepid heroes are stuck in this particular peat-bog?
The intrepid hero of "The Deceivers" is played by Pierce Brosnan, who is seen getting the best of a wild tiger during one of the film's early scenes.
Photographs of the intrepid hero, Tazio Nuvolari, hang in the bar, energizing the atmosphere.
Why not allow this intrepid hero to take the risks he is so willing to endure?
It's almost as if the tourist trail has become some kind of science-fiction force field - a web of attractions, amenities, and infrastructure from which only intrepid heroes can escape.
Upon his arrival in the past our intrepid hero flung open the door of his machine, took one huge breath and promptly dropped dead.
The programme describes this section as follows: "In which our intrepid heroes investigate the aftermath of the battle and discover a solitary figure, obsessed by his own image.
The explorer is the intrepid hero of a musical by Janet Willella and Earl Wilson Jr.