Clearly, many farmers have mastered the intricate balance of waste production, lagoon levels and spraying.
She cared only for that which affected the intricate balance of the Three Laws.
Yet the metallovore, too, is part of an intricate balance.
And it would be disruptive politically to undo the intricate balance of infrastructure, finances and services set in place over the years.
That intricate balance had now been upset.
The lyrics delineate an intricate balance of American dream and criminal nightmare.
All these intricate balances of power, ambition, and the Farseer drive to set forces in motion and ride them out.
"Just think of all the factors involved in achieving such an intricate balance of power."
Maintain the intricate balance between helping your loved one accomplish a task and actually doing the task for him or her.
Sharks play a vital role in the intricate balance that makes the oceans' ecosystem.