The intricate combination of lens and lights gave the pilot a quick visual reference as to whether or not he was on glide path.
Bill followed and closed the door behind him, setting the intricate combination latch that would keep it sealed against intruders.
Just about anything that appears on any given page is tied to some intricate combination of editorial judgment, revenue, technical restriction and user behavior.
He merely opened a safe, using a long and intricate combination that took nearly five minutes to release the steel bolts of his strong box.
Before he could test the intricate combination, The Shadow was attracted by a sound outside the study.
Complex means "with interconnected parts; compounded of different elements; an intricate combination of ideas."
That safe contained Mileson's reward money, in cash, but it was formidable and had an intricate combination.
Her set would still be considered exceptionally difficult by modern standards, with intricate combinations of pirouettes and releases.
Sherpa marriages are a rich and intricate combination of culture, cosmology, and communal solidarity.
The real system of classification was the type of cord or thong that held the pouches closed and an intricate combination of knots.