The result is an intricate but somewhat static composition made up of a variety of close-ups.
Viewers need to spend some time in seeking and following the woven patterns in order to fully appreciate the intricate composition of imagery.
Each image is a stand-alone work, a painstakingly intricate composition of line and layered wash, with areas of paper left untouched to create highlight effects.
Peter Pauper hires freelance artists whose work ranges from simple line drawings to intricate compositions.
The music also includes sultry Gershwin and a jumpy, intricate composition by the rock group Weather Report.
For over a year, I have been composing a very intricate composition called The Middle of Everywhere.
"On Top of the Roof," for example, is an intricate abstract composition difficult to decipher.
Steve Wheeler was of the Abstract Expressionist generation but went his own way in small, intricate linear compositions.
The literary world started to recognize the fragment as art potentially surpassing all the works of intricate composition.
The third level displays an even more intricate composition of forms.