The bus, therefore, is not just an oven but an intricate operation.
It would be an intricate, tricky, and risky operation.
What happened next was unclear, although the rescue operation appeared to have involved an intricate and almost certainly risky operation.
He said the selection "was tantamount to asking a young first-year medical student to carry out an intricate operation with a butcher's knife."
Nothing simple, you understand, such as a blow upon the head or a cutting of the throat, but all rather long, drawn-out, and intricate operations.
The more complex our equipment becomes, the more intricate our operations, the greater the reliance has to be.
For now, I can tell you that Gerade here wouldn't be able to plan out such a complex and intricate operation.
So it's up to the doctor to protect his daughter's new love by performing a very difficult and intricate operation to save the pop star's life.
They continued with whatever intricate operations they were completing.
This intricate operation was guided by one man.