Four of the tracks have intricately arranged charts featuring multiple overdubs by Ian Underwood.
Dishes are intricately arranged and garnished, often with real edible leaves and flowers that are to help enhance the flavour of the food.
By the beginning of 2000, they had pared themselves down to a four-piece and began honing their sound into intricately arranged chamber music.
Her red-brown hair is pinned back, hidden under a wig of pale yellow, intricately arranged curls.
The band has stated that their common love is the pursuit of intricately arranged three-minute pop songs.
Her flame-colored hair was intricately arranged in thick coronet braids atop her head.
Inside is a mix of explosives and chemical pellets, intricately arranged to produce specific effects of shape and color.
The intricately arranged pistols, daggers, shields and pikes impressed Kerr.
Her hair was intricately arranged, and she was still stunning.
She picked at the edges of her salad, a spiraling rosette of unfamiliar vegetables, intricately arranged.