The hunt for the sources of Mr. bin Laden's cash have turned up intriguing discoveries.
One of her most intriguing discoveries has come from studying the slab of fat that surrounds the heart.
An unexpected but intriguing discovery was that aspirin and related pain-relieving drugs stop the formation of some prostaglandins.
Perhaps the most intriguing discovery of the night - aside from the Moroccan - were two cellphones found on the roof of the hospital.
The most intriguing discovery were dozens of vials filled with white powder.
The most intriguing discoveries are often works by non-household names.
But rummaging around among them soon led to an intriguing discovery.
Another intriguing discovery is an oval-shaped birch bark box, about seven inches across at its widest and more than a foot high.
But there are even more intriguing discoveries just in the past few years.
The marine geologists said their continuing surveys had made another intriguing discovery.