"An intriguing hypothesis," said Spock, "and not remotely outside the parameters of possibility."
Regardless of whether the data were faked, Lott's admittedly intriguing hypothesis doesn't seem to be true.
Which raises a more intriguing hypothesis: that captive male dolphins attempt these outrageous liaisons out of mischief, or perhaps even revenge.
'How did you arrive at this intriguing hypothesis?'
B'Elanna asked, clearly ready to rethink her earlier supposition in light of this intriguing hypothesis.
Attempts have been made to test this intriguing hypothesis, but the evidence is not yet convincing either way.
Nodding, Tuvok said, "It is an intriguing hypothesis."
"It could be a very intriguing hypothesis," said Data.
"It's an intriguing hypothesis, but it doesn't warrant any change in clinical practice, and the authors recognize that."
"You may find one hypothesis particularly intriguing, although I must emphasize that the evidence supports approximately 75.823 other interpretations."